At the heart of Sayyida Bano is service to humanity. She aims to live her life by the belief that ‘Giving is Living’. From setting up soup kitchens for the destitute in the UK to providing safe, clean water to the needy in Pakistan, Sayyida demonstrates that the more we give, the more we become.

If you’re interested in joining her on this mission to support the most needy and the most vulnerable, donate to these organisations via the links below. Take action today!

Madina Mercy

Madina Mercy envisions a world of hope, growth and opportunity for all. Madina Mercy works towards the health, education and financial stability of every human being in every community. To live better, we must live mercy.

Planet Mercy

To improve communities is to improve humanity. The mission of Planet Mercy is to bring people together by promoting cohesion, tolerance and understanding. Planet Mercy strive to offer solutions and direction on a local scale to make a global impact. Community development is at the heart of everything Planet Mercy does as they believe better communities will make a better world.

Ammi & Abu Foundation

Ammi Foundation began in 2019 after the passing away of Sayyida Bano’s mother. Less than two years later, her father also passed away and so naturally the foundation became Ammi & Abu Foundation. Sayyida’s parents were both originally from Pakistan, and they had a close bond with their home country and so serving the needy people of her homeland was something that was important to her. Sayyida Bano set up this foundation so that she could continue this formally in her mother and fathers memory and for it to become a means of continuous charity whilst at the same time benefitting many others. To find out about current projects under Ammi & Abu Foundation, please send a message to and we will send you the current details.