In group sessions, we can create powerful energy as a collective. When we connect in a tribe with other females of similar values and beliefs, people who want to see us succeed, who want to overcome limitations and who want to become the very best version of themselves, amazing things can happen.

Sayyida will take you through a shared interest or focus of development through her coaching programmes  designed around one specific topic;  combining both pure coaching, which is based on the clients agenda, with teaching, which is presented as a workshop with potential strategies and tactics. The overall result is positive change, focus, energy and motivation in achieving your goal.

“…a group can supply a tremendous amount of energy.

Groups can be like reservoirs of fuel where members can fill up each week.” 

Hallowell & Ratey: Driven to Distraction


Group Guided Meditation for Healing & Connection

Every Month / Free

For further details click here.